
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

thanks lizzy

I wanted a really fun sweater from Anthro to wear to Thanksgiving dinner, but I didn't want to spend a hundred and fifty bucks.

This was a problem.

Until I clicked over to my good friend Lizzy's blog and found a little inspiration.

I went to Target and bought this sweater for nine dollars. Yes, nine dollars. It was on sale.

Then I came home and cut up and old t-shirt.

I created little rosettes and ruffles and voilĂ !

Birdie liked it so much she barfed all over it, but not until I gathered up all the compliments on how cute it is.

I love it when I am able to save money by being creative. It makes me feel like a real pioneer woman.

A well dressed pioneer woman.


  1. Way to show me up! Haha. Love this!!!

    Still laughing at the pioneer part...

    Miss you!xo

  2. i sometimes think i am crafty until i see things like this or like your wreath. i just can't keep up with it. would you come and decorate my house and make my clothes look better.

  3. Let's not shop for girls day, let's just make these! I am totally serious by the way....

  4. That's gorgeous. I'm so impressed by the Meronafication of an Anthropologie look.

  5. That is a truly amazing piece of work. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Very inspiring. I've got to take to some more of my clothes with the scissors. Hmmmm...

  6. I always get feeling creative when I shop at Anthropologie. But then I try it at home. It was always better in my head.

  7. Wow, that is incredible! I want to do something like that but I know I would be truly disappointed at the result. Is everything you touch that cool.... I am thinking yes.


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