
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

sparky spark spark 2010

It's almost here. Can you feel it?

Autumn means back to school, schedules, crisper mornings, great fashion and SPARK.  Are you coming? Are you excited?

I am. I can't wait to meet everyone.  I can't wait to spark my own creativity.

The tag above is from last year. This year the girls have outdone themselves.  The decor is going to be amazing. The food is going to be delish. And the company, well the company is going to rock. After all, I'm going.  And I'm going to personally make sure everyone has a blast.  There's no wall flowers at Spark, only wild flowers.

Okay girls. Here it is. The big reveal.  Ta da! My class for Spark!

If you haven't done collage before you are going to love it.  We are using stretched canvases and doilies as a base for funky silhouettes.  Come ready to get your fingers in paint and make a mess.

Most of the supplies for my class will be provided with the exception of:

*     a foam brush (if you have manicured nails you might want to bring a couple extra)
*     your own silhouette if you don't want to use those provided (needs to be roughly 4X4")
*     any ephemera you would like to use other than what we provide
*     markers are optional but super fun
*     a fine paint brush 
*     a loose, ready to groove attitude (mandatory)
*     Oh and scissors.

I'm calling my class Journey.  Collage is a practice in letting go of perfectionism and following the twists and turns that happen on your canvas.

I hope you are coming. The best way to make a new friend is to take a journey together.


  1. Yeah!!! This is just the class I was hoping for! I have the perfect spot in the girls room!

  2. I wish I was going! We have a Seattle trip planned the weekend before or I would TOTALLY be there! Did you sign up for Elizabeth's piece by piece? I was too late to sign up for the fabric but am still doing the tutorial. I love seeing the pictures of your wonderful children!

  3. Oh my word...totally LOVE this! Can't wait to create it & to see you again at Spark. It's kinda funny that we are both in SoCal, yet I only see you when I'm in UT! LOL!!

  4. April: I will be coming in from Puerto Rico for SPARK and I am REALLY happy to be part of such a great event. Can not wait to meet you! g


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