
Friday, September 30, 2011

gingersnappers and apple cider

This weekend we are off to Oak Glen to buy some apples. It's a tradition.

Oak Glen is a town in the moutains with apple orchards and quaint little barns and stores. We see the same people every year. We know which apples we like. I'm partial to Arkansas Black. Thom likes Pink Ladies. We buy cider. Like I said, it's tradtion.

It's been a bad year for apples. We heard that a lot of our favorite apple farmers aren't even opening shop this year. Which makes us sad.  I guess in a bad economy, apples don't even grow.

But we Meekers are staunch about our traditions.  The show must go on.

I made some cookies to pack in our knapsacks. I paired gingersnaps with pumpkin cream cheese frosting. They turned out amazing if I do say so myself.

So I thought I'd share.

I like this recipe for the cookies. They are nice and chewy. Then I used this recipe for the frosting. I like it because it has a hint of orange which gives the cookies a nice tang.

I call them gingersnappers.

Have a fab weekend. I plan to.


  1. Those look delicious! I love your tradition.

  2. YUM!!! What a fun family adventure! Thanks to your applesauce recipe you posted awhile back Brad and I will soon be starting to make lots and lots of applesauce! It is our favorite weekend treat that we get to make together. :) Thank you for sharing your amazing talents with us!

  3. I would love the recipe! I didn't see a link to it? Thanks:)

  4. I live in Yucaipa... just down the hill from Oak Glen. If I had know you were going to be in town I would have just "happened" to be in Oak Glen this weekend hoping to run into you! I've been a secret blog reader for a long time... guess the secret's out now :). I love your blog, and your creativity is totally inspiring! Hope you had fun!

  5. Hi, what a beautiful blog you have, like everyone else said, its beautiful and it's so inspiring! I am now inpsired to make my Hallowwen decorations and try to the gingersnap cookies. Do you think you will be sharig the recipe for your cookies?

    Have a great day!

  6. If you mouse over "this recipe" you will see that it is a link to the recipes I used.

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