It has been my experience (for what it's worth) that if you break something down into small steps you will be able to work through it. Now, I don't expect to be really good at many things. For instance, I suck at origami and lego construction. Try as I might, my pasta sauce is acidic. This is just to name but a small few. But I carry on, folding paper and cooking tomatoes on a regular basis, because I like to do these things.
The purpose for all this prattle is just to put out to the universe the good energy I had today as I sweated my brains out, proud of myself for making it to the gym one more day. I just want to say that if there is something you have been thinking about trying to do- for heaven's sakes, get off you kiester and do it. Start small and work your way into it. For my part, I think Sugar Daddy might put a moratorium on any new ventures in a the near future. The quilting project is still taking up most of the kitchen island.
I guess after this I will be making an incredibly ugly John Deer quilt for Thomas. Don't expect a post on that one.
I like to cook. I really like to bake the most, but I have warmed up to cooking considerably over the last few years. Today's designs will perk up your kitchen and your mood. You know what they say- presentation is everything.
Whitney Smith is a potter working out of Oakland, California. Her work reminds me a little of pieces from the arts and crafts/mission era that I love so much. You can check out her work here.
Some day I will have these napkins. I have been looking at them on and off for a while now. The problem is, I will need a whole new set of dishes (set #10) to go with them and I am really running out of space in my cabinets. I don't know how much longer I can hold out though. If you love them as much as I do, you can buy them here.
I hope these things inspire you to cook in style. Be fabulous.
Make sure to click on the cupcakes at the top of the post. The cupcakes were blogged about on Cupcake Bakeshop , one of my all-time favorite blogs. They are herbal essence cupcakes by a really fun bakery called Whiskie Bits. Check them out.
It seems that Spring has pushed its way into our little world. I am starting to glaze longingly at my shorts and linen tops. I changed out my black purse for my new Petunia Pickle Bottom (see previous post for full view of said wonder purse). Easter is only a couple of weeks away for heaven's sake! I have been shopping here and there already for Easter basket items. If anyone out there has any great ideas for a four-year-old boys Easter basket, please let me know. I'm a little stumped. If it were up to me he would get like ten T-shirts from Dress Me, but clothes don't go over too good these days.
Maybe I have been feeling the season change.
I made this the other day.
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