I'm going to admit something here and now that I find terribly shameful.
For the last week, I haven't remembered to brush my teeth in the morning. Around two I run my tongue over my teeth and they feel a little, well, fuzzy, and it's then that I remember.
Please bear in mind that when I'm in my right mind I'm an avid brusher. I worked in the dental field for years for heaven sakes. Plaque is my mortal enemy.
I'm a little out of sorts, you know, with two babies and all.
Here's another little thing that's been bothering me:
When the little old lady at the grocery store looks at me with one baby strapped on my body and the other baby strapped into the cart and says, "My, you really have your hands full!", I smile back and say, "Yep I sure do."
But in my mind I think, thank you so very much, Master of the Obvious. You've been here on Earth for like a hundred years and this is all you got? No sage advice? No even a little pity? Can't you see that my daughter has started eating the bananas through the peel? Can't you see that MY TEETH ARE YELLOW????
And really she was just a cute little old lady making small talk. And I know that. But I hate her anyway.
As long as I'm being honest I should also say that I have become the person I always hated who never returns the shopping cart. I just abandon them right there in the middle of the parking lot. That's me. Sorry.
These things are the truth. Ugly. I know. But I'll tell you something else...
Babies don't care if you have bad breath and yellow teeth. They love you anyway.
And being loved like that feels so very nice.