Lau, ana lapule translates to design Sunday.
Lau, ana lapule translates to design Sunday.
My entire family is here with me. We have been playing at the beach and laughing till our sides ache. In keeping with his track record, my younger brother ruptured his eardrum while diving. What can I say? It's the luck of the Scottish.
We celebrated Thom's fifth birthday with everyone today. I tell ya, he must be some kind of spoiled child to celebrate his birthday in a pavilion overlooking one of Maui's most beautiful beaches. We ended the day with a luau. It was too windy for birthday candles, but the fire dancing more than made up for that.
Humuhumunukunukuapua'a: The reef, rectangular, wedge-tail, or Picasso triggerfish, also known by its Hawaiian name, humuhumunukunukuāpua'a, or just humuhumu for short; meaning "triggerfish with a snout like a pig", is one of several species of triggerfish. Classified as Rhinecanthus rectangulus, it is endemic to the salt water coasts of various central and south Pacific Ocean islands. It is often asserted that the Hawaiian name is one of the longest words in the English Language and that "the name is longer than the fish."
Watching the pest control guy through the blinds when I let Finn into the backyard and he races toward him. It's evil, I know. But oh so funny.
Seeing someone get hit in the achilles tendon by a shopping cart.*
Hearing children swear. (Really bad swear words excluded.)
There are a few more that I can't think of right now. I'm immature, I know. But sometimes, I little laughter goes a long way, even if it is at someone else's expense.
*I don't, however, find this at all funny when it happens to me.
I have been thinking lately. I have been thinking, that is, about food, specially sweets, because this is what I do when I try to diet. I think about sweets ALL THE TIME.
So I was thinking about Eve. You know, Eve of the Bible. Quite frankly, I'm not buying the forbidden apple story. I have serious doubts that it was any kind of fruit at all. I mean really, she choose to fall from grace over a piece of fruit? Was it sugared or poached? Was it served à la mode? I think what the bible really means by "forbidden fruit", is the fruit of the labors of a baker who was indeed an angel and thus made the most heavenly, most delicious confections to be found. I'm guessing it was chocolate, some kind of moist, gooey, rich dark chocolate ganache torte. That would do it.
I have a small confession to make. Yesterday, or really since I posted on Tuesday and mentioned coconut cupcakes, I have been craving them. I had a moment of weakness and broke out the muffin pan. I made myself feel a little better by taking half of them to a friend who is nursing and was just told she can't have chocolate anymore. I ate one after dinner last night and another first thing when I got up this morning. I am a weak, foolish woman when it comes to sweets. Thank goodness Thom just finished the last one.
So, here's a little tip for ya. When the officer writes your court date on your ticket, you may want to take it seriously. Apparently, this is an actual legal court hearing that you must attend and they don't take a spin class as an excuse. I actually totally spaced my court date and didn't even remember until a few days later.
Thom and I went to traffic court so I could clear up my little, now getting bigger, legal matters. We took a number. We waited next to the chain smoker who wasn't quite sure what to do with his hands without a cigarette to occupy them. We waited for 30 minutes.
I was informed by the contrite little man behind the counter that my fee would be $1,400. At that point, I had to do some major clenching for fear that I would loose my bowels right there in traffic court. After some meager attempts at flirting and leaning on my forearms to create cleavage (desperate times call for. . .) I haughtily handed over a check and said to Thom, loud enough for Mr. Traffic to hear, "Let's get out of this nasty place."
All this took place over a week ago, but I'm just now able to talk about it without a hateful, smarting sensation rushing through my body. Next week we go to Hawaii with my brother. The motto on our family crest translates to "Forget Not". Believe me, I won't be forgetting. I plan to give him a wide berth while we are on the island. I can just see me losing a digit to the beak of an octopus, choking on a lump of poi or more likely, getting arrested for trespassing.
If you are thinking of buying some Secondsister jewelry, now would be a good time. My bank account is a little depleted if you know what I mean.
Lately, I'm really in The Zone. In case you are unaware, The Zone is when you come to a time in the life of your child/kids and you no longer have to be Supermom, with bionic hearing and lightening quick reflexes. You loose the bulge in your biceps you got from constantly carrying a child around and the olfactory glands that once allowed you to distinguish your own kids poop from everyone else's kids at Disneyland shrinks back to it's normal function. You start to think about wearing white pants again. That's where I am. The Zone.
Anywho, you'd think I'd be thrilled to be here. After all, The Zone also means that you can remain parked on you butt, Diet Coke in hand at the beach while all your friends with toddlers, chase, wipe, comfort, pick-up, dig, change, rinse, adjust, follow, nurse and brush the sand off their kids. Me? I just bellow at the boy every now and then to make sure he stays in my sights. It's a wonderful thing. You'd think I'd be thrilled to be here.
But I'm not. Nope. I want a baby. I miss babyland. I wish I could go back in time and spend just one day with Thom as a one-year-old. In between the running around and supermom work, there are moments of pure joy. I want that again.
I recently found this wonderful little book with simple patterns for making various aprons. I tend to like vintage patterns, especially bib aprons that cross in the back, but it is full of fun projects both modern and vintage inspired. One of my favorite projects is an apron with a tea towel sewn into the waist band to wipe your hands on. Talk about useful.
There are also some really great books on collecting vintage aprons and the culture behind aprons. Yes, aprons have their own culture. Check out Amazon for these fab books.
There are also a ton of super talented women making and selling their own aprons. I bought this one through Sundarose and I wear it all the time.Angry Chicken has more links for new vintage style handmade aprons.
My word, is August half over already? We have been busy, busy, busy around here. My crape myrtle finally bloomed for the first time. Isn't it beautiful? The last few tomatoes are dangling on the vines and the grapes are ripe and delicious. A back-to-school buzz is in the air. People are buying pencils and crayons. Backpacks seem to already be picked over, only the boring colors are left.
Thom won't start until after Labor day which gives us just enough time to fit in a late Summer family vacation to Maui.
I am getting excited to debut my Fall jewelry collection. It may include some island inspired pieces. Keep your eye on my shop around mid-September.
Someone with OCD no doubt.
The other funny thing is artificial nails. I have no desire whatsoever to have fake nails. Indeed, they would pop off the moment I hit the work bench, and yet, I see women with their nails all shiny and manicured and I think- man, that chick really has her shit in a pile (to use one of my little brother's phrases). The high gloss lacquer mesmerizes me. The fact of the matter is that they recently came out with a study that proved that artificial nails harbor all kinds of bacteria and disgusting stuff. And yet, if you are sporting fakies, and I see you around, I'm gonna think you really have it all together. That's just how weird I am.
The contest for the $50 iTunes gift card is still going (see previous post). Help me spread the word! The soft launch is August 15th.
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