First up today we have Cuthbert, who likes baked beans and trampolines but not at the same time. He heralds from the Weebeastie family of Torquay, England. He was made by Kate Dowling who after making a sock monster for her pregnant boss, was overcome with a complete obsession (to make monsters that is) which has lead to a shop and website. She is an interior designer by day, monster maker by night.

Meet Angela. Angela likes putting her head in the fridge and waiting for time to stop. She talks to birds. She was made in Poznan' by an doll artist from Buenos Aires. She is from the KooKoo Doll Family owned and run by Maru.

Maru is a charming Argentinian living in Poland. She describes herself as a traveler, teacher, dancer and artist. Here is a message I got from her:
hi! marla is sold, la llorona (angela) no, so angela will be. i am very sorry for
not giving more info right now, i am going rightaway to berlin, do not want to loose my train. on monday we can talk again.have a nice weekend!
See, I told you. She's charming.
Last but not least, we have Harold. He enjoys walks in the park and granny smith apples. He's from a monstrous-looking, furred race. They have enormous eyes. They move by dragging themselves along the ground. They are omnivores. They have only one child at a time making Harold a rare breed indeed.
UltraPunch!™ TOY Co. is an independent toy company located in Central Pennsylvania. Dedicated to the idea of handmade and imaginative toys for children and the young at heart.

If you aren't lucky this week, and you don't win a monster, look around these sellers shops. You may just find a buddy that suits you. Oh, and if you had to look up Torquay and Poznan', your not alone.
harold is adorable. likes him the best.
Bitty (quixoticquagmire)
Guess I should have mentioned I'd like to be in the running for H-man, lol.
You can reach me through Etsy if you need to.
Yay Harold!
You are so cute to do these. And I love your blog.
Also, yay Cuthbert! I can't resist.
Awww, I think Angela is my soul sister! I have been known to stick my head in the fridge and talk to birds myself :)
I have to say that Cuthbert is just adorable too! A wise monster he is, to keep his love of baked beans and trampolines separate!
I have to say Harold is pretty awesome!
You're so Creative!
I also love adorable Angela!
They're all adorable, but I think Harold is my favorite.
But I really like Cuthbert too!
cuthbert is the monster for me.
what the heck, i do like Harold too and it increases my odds significantly if I comment twice!
I like Cuthbert the best - he is adorable! I have visited Kates page and all her designs are wicked!!
CuthbertCuthbertCuthbertCuthbertCuthbertCuthbertCuthbertCuthbertCuthbert just as long as he brings his own beans he can use my trampoline!!
Northern Monkey
Cuthbert is my favorite! Cute monsters. Thanks!
I heart Harold - Just like everyone else!
I love it! So darn cute!! Jenny H.
So cute! Darling idea!
Jenny H.
I love Harold but theyre all cute! I know just the perfect little girl who would love one!
I like Maru :D
Harold is Charlie's middle name but we spelled it Herald. Cute!!
Cuthbert is irresistable, so so cute!!
Angela is interesting and still cute
love them and love the name harold...
I am totally attracted to Cuthbert. Some days I don't know which end is up and he looks like he doesn't know either.I love to cook and will make him all of the baked beans he desires!
hrbeck_98 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Cuthbert is definitely the cutest, maybe his addiction to beans will get him sponsorship from Heinz,
i likey cuthbert!
Harold!! ♥
Harold is adorable!! I love his little bio!
I would love to win the stripe brown and white one or brown and polka dotted one.
All of her monsters are so adorable.
I like Cuthbert. Squee!
puffpastryshop (at) gmail (dot) com
harold :)
cuthbert is the son i never had!
jo in oz x
Cuthbert all the way! :)
ooooh, how I want to win. These are the cutest monsters EVER.
And Harold. I love me some Harold.
Ohh, they are all very charming...but I'd have to choose Cuthbert as my very favorite...I think it's his eyes! I'm a sucker for baby blues :o)
Smiles, Karen
Harold is sooo cute! Love this!
Cute post!
Cuthbert is the cutest wee monster I've met!
Harold is winking at me...so I like him, too.
It's got to be Cuthbert, got to support the UK crew ;)
ooh a west country monster - i'd love cuthbert!
omg- i LOVE these- i have to say cuthbert is my fave- hahah!
I would like to win Harold. I like walking in the park and Granny Smith apples too. Cute giveaway!
Cuthbert is absolutely way too fun! I think our little guy might take a liking to him.
Cuthbert is awesome he reminds me of something a little child would adore.
Angela is kinda freaky like a voodoo doll. I wouldn’t want her to live in my bedroom
Ultrapunch is awesome. I chat with this shop in the etsy shop. Harold is quite the cool monster .
I'll make a home for any of them!
harold is one cool looking little monster!
I love Harold! Gavin would love Harold. Please let us win Harold!
i'd love angela, she is so me!
Contest is now closed
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