Friday, October 31, 2008
the road home

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
just call me jane of the jungle
The point is I'm really lucky. And I know it.
Monday, October 27, 2008
krabi not so crazy

Here are a few random pics of a few of the sights I've seen so far.

The drawing for the Danita art and One Lucky Baby blanket are still open. Please leave a comment to participate. I'll be drawing names on Halloween.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
not dead in a ditch in Bangkok
Friday, October 24, 2008
many hours, one ambien and a lost wallet later. . .
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
i've become the stalker i always wanted to be

Art Dolls

And. . .

b. Dandelion
d. Moon Keeper
Monday, October 20, 2008
tweaked and tailor made

I found this dress and overcoat, also by Odd Molly, that I'd like to tweak a little. We'll see what I end up with. It will be an adventure.

Here's a little sneak peak at tomorrow's giveaway.
and the lucky winner is. . .
Sunday, October 19, 2008
the rite of way

Don't forget that you still have today to enter to win the Turtle Papers calendar. Just leave a comment. The winner will be announced on Monday morning.
Friday, October 17, 2008
you've got mail!
Call me simple, but one of my favorite things in life is to receive a handwritten letter through the post. I never wait till I get in the house. I always open it up and read it standing by the mail box while I juggle all the other mail.
I have letters that my grandmother wrote me when I was first married. I love to pull them out and examine her scrawling penmanship. They are simple letters, about her daily life which chronicle my heritage and gently remind me where I came from and where I should be headed. They mean more to me than any of the other keepsakes she left behind. They are her words.
I hope today's feature will inspire you to sit down with pen and paper (lovely paper is always best) and write a note to someone you have been thinking of lately.
It will mean more to them than any email you could send. I promise.

The Feature Friday giveaway is a 2009 Turtle Papers calendar. Leave a comment to be in the drawing.
Turtle Papers is owned and run by Jennifer, a designer and full time mom in Seattle. When Jennifer isn't creating fanciful stationary, you can find her baking away in her kitchen, trying out new recipes. You can check out her adventures in both culinary and graphic arts on her blog.
For Christmas last year, I bought one of my good friends a set of Turtle Papers personalized stationary. It came beautifully packaged and ready to be presented. Get a jump start on your holiday shopping by visiting the Turtle Papers shop online.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
thailand awaits

giveaway winner
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
karma schmarma?

I'm not a superstitious person. I don't cross my fingers, knock on wood or throw salt. I just don't think life works that way. And I don't like the word karma. I truly believe that what goes around comes around. What you put out, you get back. But I don't like to label it karma. Simply because to me, it makes one of my fundamental beliefs sound like superstition. I mean no disrespect to Buddhism, I'm just not buddhist.
Call it what you like, I've had a little of it going on. I recently won two, count them, two, really great give aways on other people's blogs!
I won an apron ( you all know how much I love aprons) from Apron Strings Aflutter and I won this fabulous little stash from French Poppy. Take a minute and click on over to these blogs. They are great.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
audrey eclectic

Becoming a mother has also made me more conscious of what kind of world I want to leave my daughter, so I am happy to recycle through my art whenever I can: many of my paintings start their lives as boards at construction sites, with the scraps in the trash pile coming home to me. I wash them, sand them, paint them and voila: a beautiful painting where once there was nothing but scrap.

Oh, and I want to wish my most favorite sister-in-law of all time, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULIE!
Monday, October 13, 2008
the little professor

This is just one of the many many great titles out there. I miss working in the book store. The Little Professor was a wonderful place to be. We had a train in our children's section where a child could sit and read with their parents. I wish I could spend just one more afternoon helping a child find a book they love. I found so many great titles from recommendations of clients and publishers. If you have a favorite book, from your childhood, or one that you found recently, I'd love to hear about it.
Giveaway winners
The print goes to comment #69, my good friend who has a knack for always winning everything, Amy. Amy has twin girls adopted from China so Katherine's work with little dark haired girls is perfect for her. I'm so glad she won.
Congratulations girls! Check back on Friday for the next great giveaway.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
on the way. . .