Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
we went sailing darling, then had a spot of lunch
So, when our good friends called with the idea of a day at sea, we were ready with bells on.

It sounds very glamorous to be sailing, but in fact, it was not. Our little boat only held four people. There wasn't even a table to set a glass of champagne or a round of brie. So I stayed ashore with Jo and we took a walk while the boys slowly tottered out of the harbor.

Friday, November 21, 2008
these are a few of my favorite things

Captain von Trapp: Fraulein Maria, did I or did I not say
that bedtime is to be strictly observed in this household?Maria: Yes, well the children were scared of the thunderstorm and… You did, sir.
Captain von Trapp: And do you or do you not have trouble following these simple instructions?
Maria: Only during thunderstorms.
First, starting November 30th, I am releasing my Secondsister mini Winter collection. It isn't a full collection, just a few pieces with lots of sparkle to wear to holiday parties and such. And. . . everything is very affordable! It is very small and limited so if you need some accessories to get your glam on, be watching!

Third, you have a chance to win this pair of Winter Glam earrings from the new mini collection by helping me promote my Favorite Things giveaway. Just choose between these two graphics and load one into your sidebar. Make sure it links back to Suaviloquy and leave a comment on this post giving me the link to your page where you have posted the graphic. I will pick a winner on December 15th.

I am working on adding a scroll box with the html code, which is no small task for a computer illiterate like myself. If you need this, check back in a few days, I might just succeed.
the winners and so on
Here's a little something I'd like to share.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
hello finland?

Old Finnish Photo
Did you see the movie The Holiday? It was a totally marginal movie but the premise is that two girls from two different countries swap houses for the holidays. I love the idea of not just swapping but hosting or staying with one of my international blogosphere friends. Wouldn't it be something to be able to say that you have friends on every continent?
Whether you are from Helsinki, Brisbane or Miami, I'd like to get to know you. I'm sure we'd be good friends.
You still have today to enter to win the Dragonflies magnets, and until Friday to enter to win the jewelry. Scroll down to previous posts to enter.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
spots of fashion

Leave a comment and win these magnets!
Monday, November 17, 2008
happy happy me
Sunday, November 16, 2008
just the girls

Friday, November 14, 2008
calling in a favor

Copy and paste this code to put a Suaviloquy button on your site.
<div align="center"><div style="BORDER-RIGHT: 3px solid; BORDER-TOP: 3px solid; OVERFLOW: auto; BORDER-LEFT: 3px solid; WIDTH: 150px; COLOR: black; BORDER-BOTTOM: 3px solid; HEIGHT: 100px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white"><img id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5268357347166595426" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 124px; HEIGHT: 113px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" align="left" border="0" /> </div></div>
Okay guys, I've been doing giveaways every Tuesday and Friday for two months now and I'm calling in a favor.
For this giveaway, you are going to have to do a little work. To enter the drawing to win a custom cuff or a pair of sapphire earrings you must post the Suaviloquy graphic with a link on you blog. That's it. Just give a little shout out for yours truly and you're in like Flynn. Oh, and you will need to leave a comment here with the link to your blog so I know who you are.
I will be closing comments for this contest on November 21st. The winner will be announced on Dec. 15th. If you don't make it in for this contest, don't despair. I will be running another similar contest on the 28th of November.
And now to the prizes. . .

The second prize is a pair of hand forged Secondsister sapphire earrings. Are the sapphires real? Why yes they are. Thank you for asking. They are 1 1/2" long. Worth $75.

Thursday, November 13, 2008
if only. . .
It is better that I have a day or so to package it up and say my good byes. Here are a few of my long lost babies that I really regret selling.

And here are a few new ones I just listed in my shop yesterday. I am not in any way attached to any of them, although I am starting to think of outfit ideas that include the Atlantis necklace. Please feel free to buy, buy, buy.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'll say, "Thom, are you ready to crawl into your bed. I just washed the sheets today and they smell great."
He says, "No."
I say, "Okay it's time to be calm. Come here and I'll tickle your back and play with your hair while you watch your favorite T.V. show."
He pulls a face and runs away.
I say, "Come upstairs! I have a nice warm bubble bath waiting for you!"
He says "Not now Mom."
What is wrong with this child? He rejects everything wonderful in life. Well, he doesn't turn down sweets. We have that in common. But really, why do we adults have to force our kids to do the things we personally love to do?
Over the years we have created little enticements. We turn pancakes into happy faces with blueberry eyes and banana smiles. We tell bedtime stories again and again until the words come automatically. We coerce and manipulate and bargain until we get our kids to do the very thing that we ourselves are dying to do. It has been this way for ages. I can't see it changing anytime soon.
Here's a perfectly wonderful little enticement to get your kids in the bath.

My love of geometrical symmetry, natural asymmetry, color, and edible, delicious things is demonstrated in soap, and you'll find extreme care in the details. Many, if not most of the plant materials I use are grown locally, organically, and sustainably; you'll find natural pigments and dyes, fair-trade ingredients (when they can't be had out of my own garden), and recycled material packaging whenever practical. I love what I do, I know you will, too, and I look forward to sending something wonderful to you!
Monday, November 10, 2008

the winner
Sunday, November 09, 2008
one fruit loop shy of a full bowl

This curse, this "bashfulness" as some kind people refer it trying to soften it around the edges and make it seem somehow cute or diminutive in order keep introverted people from further running away in terror, has followed me around the earth for years now. It has cost me friendships. Many indeed.
You see, I not only suffer from social anxiety, I have also developed a rather obnoxious coping mechanism. I become the Ice Queen. I somehow am able to not only not talk to the people I'd really like to get to know, I seem to be able to drive them away altogether.
And so, three years ago, when I knew we were moving to a new community, I decided to bust out of my icy shell and turn over a new leaf. I decide to force myself to do whatever was necessary to overcome my anxiety.
I have been fighting a good fight. It hasn't been pretty. Sometimes my palms sweat and I get random fits of diarrhea upon entering a party. But I'm making small strides. I have taken homemade gifts to all the neighbors. Even the ones I don't like. I made small talk with a pregnant girl on the beach and prayed that she couldn't see my sweat rings. But the story has a happy ending. We are now good friends.
My best friends will tell you I've really changed. It is getting easier for me to be friendly with strangers. Hopefully, the Ice Queen is gone for good.
So why am I telling you all of this? Because. This is why I blog. Well, truth be told I blog to promote my business, but it didn't start out that way. I started blogging because here on the web, with a monitor and a fair amount of miles between us, you can know me for who I really am. The good, the bad and the ugly. And it is easy peasy for me to say, "Hey you, your a fun girl. I think we should be friends." And hopefully, just hopefully, you feel the same.

Friday, November 07, 2008
piece by piece

After some consideration I've come to the conclusion that it all comes down to tradition. I'm a bit of a tradition junkie and quilts are just about as American as it comes. There is some small business about people quilting as early as the 15th century, but it wasn't the patchwork we all know and love. Quilts were an integral part of the Civil war and the Underground Railroad and their popularity has never died.
I've tried my hand at quilting several times with mixed results. I'm not giving up though. I have some great fabric and a few ideas that have been clanking around in my head. Maybe the cold weather will nag at me just enough to do something about it.
Until then, I give you Monaleisa.

Thursday, November 06, 2008
the new regime

contest winner
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
back in the saddle

You can still get your name in the drawing for the big bambino giveaway. I'll choose a winner tomorrow!
Monday, November 03, 2008
ye grand bambino giveaway

Sewing is my creative outlet and I truly love it. My love of
sewing comes from my mother. She smocked most of my dresses when I was growing up and I still have them all. She taught me to cross-stitch at 5 and I made my first items of clothing at age 8: a ballet skirt out of a sheer scarf and satin ribbon and the ugliest blue jean skirt you've ever seen. These days I put a lot of effort into finding the perfect fabrics and then crafting the perfect item just for you.

Quiltbaby's products really are chic and unique. You simply must go to the shop and check out the wall art! It is very affordable and perfect for a nursery.