In honor of my "no desserts during the week" rule, I thought today we could discuss sweets.

We women do love to torture ourselves.

I prefer lesser known, smallish bakeries that churn out limited amounts of amazing confections.
My local favorite is Elizabethan Desserts, located in the Sunshine Garden's Nursery. My birthday is coming up and I have requested a box of Elizabeth's best, instead of a cake.
I also love, love, love the coconut cupcakes found at Twenty-Five & Main in St. George Utah.
If you have a great cupcake find, leave me a comment. I want to know about it.
If you have a great cupcake find, leave me a comment. I want to know about it.
Oh, and I thought I'd show you this kit put out by Chronicle books (I love everything they do). Don't you think it would make a nice gift for someone's birthday?

Moving along, I'd like to discuss something else that has been on my mind. Tootsie Pops.

I recently found out that finding an Indian and a star on your Tootsie Pop wrapper never meant a thing. I know, you all thought, like me, that it meant you won another free sucker, but alas, it is not true. One of my great childhood beliefs has been crushed. It's like hearing that there is no Santa all over again.

And to make matters worse, my all time favorite sucker, the Astro Pop, has been discontinued. You can read about it here, complete with tales of punctured throats and business crippling lawsuits.
The only good news I have for you regarding candy on a stick is the release of these darling little cherry pops. You can break them apart and share with a friend. -OR- You could eat them cheek to cheek with your one and only.

I NEED the cherry pops. Must go in search.
I had a cupcake from 25 & Main just last week! It was AMAZING. The strawberry frosting had REAL STRAWBERRIES IN IT. Doesn't get better than that.
Oh, and my birthday is next week, I think the kit would be perfect for MY birthday.
I just found your blog. Am wishing desperately there were more women like you in my ward. I am fairly sure we would be friends in an instant. Thanks for blogging!
LOVE the sweet pictures of the sweets!
Well, of course, my favorite cupcake bakery is...ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then it is SusieCakes, hands down. You would love the shop. Vintage throw back all American bake shop.
So, can you give me an actual birthDATE. Would love to send you a treat!
I LOVE cupcakes! There's a great little shop in Emeryville, CA. called the Teacake Bakeshop that has the best pink velvet cupcakes! I was so sad when we moved and I haven't been able to find any cupcake replacements in Gilbert, AZ. Until about a week and a half ago, when I found the cutest, and very yummy cupcakes at The Coffee Shop, right next to one of my favorite places to eat- Joe's Farm Grill. I think I've already had about five cupcakes since. Not all to myself, I've shared. If anyone is ever out this way, definitely try both places out!
I wore my tassel ear plugs this past weekend at work. They were a hit! I posted a picture on my blog if you want to check it out.
I always thought (and still to think) that the indian and star on the tootsie pop wrapper means good luck. We always call it a "lucky wrapper". It always brings me good luck too :)
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