The decision is made. What sweet beans to spill.
The girl's name Amelie \a-me-lie\ is a variant of Amelia (Latin, Old German) and Emily (Latin). The meaning of Amelie is "industrious, striving; work; rival; laborious; eager."
Brooke is a family name that is near and dear to my heart.
Ben is calling her Elle. Thom is calling her Ellie. And me? I'm calling her Birdie.
I held a green bough in my heart and a singing bird has come.
The nursey is almost finished. Hopefully I can give you a little peek into Amelie's room this weekend!
And a mountain of congratulations to you. What a beautiful name.
What a beautiful name. I love the name Brooke. I am happy for your family.
Rebecca Pulsipher
beautiful names (have loved amelie since watching the film), i'm getting so excited as you move closer to the day that little birdie flies in to your arms xxx
I am seriously so excited for you guys!! What a testiment to the beauty that trials bring! I love the name
so perfect! thanks for spilling the beans, i'll have a yellow one, thank you!
So, so lovely...perfect! Know you're having a crazy week, let's talk soon.
it is lovely!!!
Oh wow! Big wet happy tears for you April. I LOVE those names - so pretty. I'm so very pleased for you - and am loving this journey with you.
I absolutely ADORE the name Amelie! Congratulations again!
Absolutely beautiful name, my 11 month old is named Eloise and she also gets Elle and Ellie(but I call her weezy). Congratulations.
I love your blog, its a feast for the eyes, the mind and soul. A lovely name for a lovely baby. Congratulations!
Corinne at mayasmercato.com
What a delightful choice--full of beauty and spring and elegance. Yeah for all of you . . . Ben, Thom, Elle, Ellie, Birdie and Momma.
a beautiful, exquisite name for a sweet princess...so excited for you
Just Beautiful!
Your Birdie origin fills my heart!
I love her name. It's perfect! Very sweet!
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