It is said that in each marriage there is a seven year itch. There is also a lesser known six week ache with each new baby. I experienced it with Thomas. One morning I woke up with my shirt wet and stained with breast milk and I just started crying. Ben took that day off work. I went shopping.
I'm not experiencing it as intensely as I did the first time around but I find that this week the little things, the little nit picky, irritating things must stop.
Rosa, please stop putting the kitchen shears in every drawer other than the one in which they belong.
Mom, quit complaining that you wish you could see the kids and just get on a plane already.
Ben, Honey, I love ya. Quit leaving your snacks out. The cheese is crusty and the chips are stale. Seriously.
Tommy B., if Mommy steps on one more Lego in the middle of the night you might wake up to no more toys.
And Birdie, sweet little munchkin, enough with the spiting up. I can't get the smell of soy formula to leave my nostrils and the laundry is making me insane.
Finn, pee one more time when visitors come and you will lose more down there than you've already lost.
Having said all that, I feel a little better.Now back to your regularly scheduled program.