And we will all be poked and prodded and urged along in life by our family and friends. And those of us that are void of family and friends can always count on the old ladies at church to take up the mantle and do the poking.
When Ben and I were dating people asked when we were getting married. We got married. Before we had been married but a few months everyone wanted to know when we were going to have kids. That took a while. Many people asked the same question over and over. Thomas was born. People said, "Praise the Lordwhenareyougoingtohaveanotherbaby?"

Just thought you might be wondering.
photo credit JAnne Peters
It's funny...I've complained to my sister about this. Right after adopting CC people started asking about another child? Adoption? Now you'll get pregnant!? I keep telling them that she was a miracle...it doesn't happen this easily. People are funny!
Glad your going through with your plans. Chinese kids are the cutest!!
Oh that is cool. What a wonderful story your family is writing!
Fabulous! Once we adopt "Pinkie" we will be bummed of the list. "Too many kids." What a wonderful reason!
I wish people would stop asking questions..don't you? Oh wait. That was a question.
One miracle at a time.
Yes, I have been wondering. I'm glad you shared that with us. Thanks!
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