The map was given to Thomas Meeker by his father who declined to speak as to the map's origin.
Included with the map was a brittle old photograph of the Wild Bunch which includes, the Sundance Kid, Tall Texan, Butch Cassidy, News Carver and Kid Curry.

Thomas and his father have tentative plans to visit Escalante, Utah next month on an expedition to the Hole in the Rock area where the Wild Bunch was known to have a hideout. There has been much speculation as to what treasures the map might reveal.

The National Geographic Society has been in contact with the Meeker's, but they have declined any offer to sell or reproduce this incredible find.
However, if the price is right, a certain unnamed inside source would be open to negoitations to help fund her fashion addiction.
What fun! We're expecting letters from the fairies at our house tonight. Anna wrote some letters to a couple of fairies earlier this week, and I have a feeling they may write back tonight.
love the boba fett pez dispenser...I think we have 1 of those!
That has to be one of the neatest ideas! My daughter is 8 and loves this sort of thing. The "unnamed inside source" had me cracking up!
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