My good friend Wendy has started a business selling hats. Evidently, hats are the chic accessory these days. I'm not in my twenties anymore so I can't be expected to know what is hot in modern society, but I have friends. I have friends who keep up with trends and they fill me in. In this way, I am really in the loop and super hip.

Any lurker who is willing to reveal themselves by leaving a comment will be in the drawing for this darling little jockey cap donated by Wendy of Swanki Hats. I chose to give away the blue one because that is the one I liked the best. If you aren't so much of a blue gal, click on over to Swanki Hats and order it in another color.
Survivor man just bought me a knit cap for Christmas, but if he hadn't, I'd be ordering up one of these. I guess I could always have two caps, but I think I might feel a little ridiculous, you know, with the weather being 85 degrees and all.

Okay kids, comment away. I'll use my random number picker to select a winner on Friday.
P.S. Check out Swanki Hats list of shows. There will be a party in my area next Wednesday. If you live close, stop on by.
dont know if I hae enough 'cool points' to wear a fabulous hat...but I do feel lucky!
Thanks for the post....who knows, maybe I'll win my own hat!!! And for all of you who think you can't pull something like this off, believe me YOU CAN!
Hi April - o.k. I'm delurking. :-) Great give-away - not sure I'm stylish enough to pull off the hat but it is really cute!!
Those hats are awesome. Two thumbs up from me!
Love the hats! So cute!!
toss my name in the hat! hahaha. (ouch. i had to.)
I'm in for winning a free hat from Wendy. The blue one is cute!
I want a swanky hat, so count me in!
May the force be with me!
I like the blue too...
You can never have too many hats. Blue was a wonderful choice.
SUCH a cute hat! So I am using the law of attraction that I will win this hat since you are using a random selector... in the mean time - as an adopted child who is about to meet her biological parents and four half siblings (1 older, 3 younger - and some of the 11 adopted children of the mother) this weekend for the first time in thirty years... congratulations and best of luck on adopting your baby from China! Adoption is an amazing thing - and I am so grateful there are families out there willing to create beautiful homes for these children that are so in need. Namasté
Ok,I'm not in my 20's either, but maybe wearing this hat will make me look hip & cool & whatever other words might embarass my daughters. :) Please enter me to win this swanky hat,thanks.Hmm,wouldn't it be interesting if Miss Finland won the hat? :) Renee
I'm a slave to a good, giveaway. Now I am one of those 20-somethings that should look good in this hat...but I'm not sure! It could be something where hubby just goes "um no" and vetoes it. If it's that terrible on me, then I would regift to one of my SILs, who are 19 & 21, and could deffo pull the look off.
I would have chosen the blue one too! :o)
I am Wendy --but NOT the Wendy selling hats. And blue is one of my favorite colors - right there wilth all the others. So since Blue is my favorite and my name is Wendy I should automatically win -Right?? That's what I think, but if you insist on giving me a # and being all fair about it, fine.
P.s. if I comment twice does that increase my odds?? Besides with your Blogger blue background and with blue being my favorite color and swarming you with compliments that should triple my odds --I want 3#'s now. Ok, I'll leave now.
p.s.s. your blog really is cool
4#'s now
Has a winner already been chosen? sure hope not cause BLUE is my favorite color!! my email is Thanks ladies!
You are too funny! I have commented before, here and there, but I do love your blog...your unique personality shines through on each post and is so real and down to earth. I LOVE your jewelry, and I can't wait to hear that you have received your referral from China. All reasons I keep coming back to check out how you are doing!
Oh yeah- I'm soaking up all the nice compliments! I should do this more often.
those hats are superb! I am always so impressed when people can make items that look perfect in every way! Your blog is wonderful and I love your shop name (I am also a second sister) :) My email is! Hope I win!! Have a lovely day!
Very cute, I have to say, I like the green/pink or brown ones best, but would be thrilled to win anyway.
Love the hats...LOVE THE HATS. I really think the blue one would look really nice with my warm brown eyes. Hmmm...if only I could win one!
That hat is definitely worth de-lurking for :)
way cute hat! Love it. I am trying to wear more hats these days just for the sole purpose of not having to do my hair.
Ooh, cool--gotta have a hat for those days when there's no time to fix my hair!
While lurking, my DD looks over my shoulder and says "hey I like that blue hat".
"Oh that's for a giveaway" I tell her.
....I just got TOLD...
and so here is my entry. :)
Have a great day
OMG...adults are just like children!!! When you offer a free gift, they come running!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in! That is such a cute hat!
contact me at:
So cute! love it.
I love those hats...and the blue one is my favorite too! :D
I think I'd wear a cap if it was this cute...
I must confess, I am not a lurker as this is my first time visiting your blog (clicked over from MMB). I would like that hat, though. But I see that Motherboard already invoked the force, so it is probably hopeless. Sigh. :)
Love the hats. Pick me , pick me
I don't normally wear hats - but those are just too cute to pass up!!
great hats! love 'em!
Those hats are fantatic!
So Cute! Just what I've been looking for. I'm going to a Swanki hat partay tomorrow. Love the blue, good taste!
Ooh - I love hats, especially jockey style ones in bright colours! :)
I love theses hats! Count me in the contest!
The blue is my favorite too! (and that rhymes)
yes we lurkers are out here. don't always leave comments but enjoy your blog. that hat is so cute. might have to post about this great giveaway on my blog.
I'm here from NC- cold weather is coming our way and I'd love to look like a cool chick in a hat rather a cold chick without one.
Great blog!
Those hats are so cute! I could totally pull off one of these hats!!
I just came in through Entrecard. Thanks for visiting my blog. Figured I might as well drop a line for this giveaway. My daughter loves caps and hats.
LOVE that hat (and the blue is my fave too!).
Winter gives me crazy bad hair days, so a chic hat would be the perfect way to hide my mane in style!
wow so fab!
I will take a big bite of carrot! This second sister site is sooo fun to read....I will be back!
And I love Wendy & Jenny--the hats are all darling and hope all is launching well!!
Here's to hoping I am lucky!
sigh. i'm in my twenties and hopelessly out of it.
oh my goodness, CYOOOOTE hats! love your blog.
The blue one is definitely the best! I adore reading your blog. Your penchant for reading the great ones (or the ones that you think are great) shines through in your writing.
Okay, enough kissing up. To the random number picker I say: pick me!
Blog well done!
Great hats! Fun Contest.
I'd love to join the fun.
Please enter.
Thank you.
I'll admit, I'm a lurker. It's more of a time issue than a lack of something to say back. I read to many darn blogs. So I try to be good and comment occasionally when it's not a giveaway. I guess I say something when I feel I need to be heard.
But, of course, as a fellow blogger I wish everyone would leave a comment every time they stop by. :)
i have been seeing hats everywhere but was sure that one would look ridiculous on me. i finally tried a pricey one on at the store and it looked dang cute i tell ya!
now i want one...fingers crossed.
thanks for offering!
Totally too cute. I adore the blue one as well & am glad that you directed me to her site as she's got some really cute styles!
I really love that hat. My sister would look so cute in it!
Oh of course I would like one of these hats! They are adorable, and I was thinking how much my niece, who lives in the mountains, would use and enjoy it...not to mention how adorable she would look in one of these! I plan on stopping by at the party next week-but I dang sure wouldn't mind getting one for FREE!!
I would look so cool in a Star Cabbie Swanki Hat!!!
Fabulous Hats! Thank you for bringing this "store" to my attention. I'm off to shop now :)
the hats are so cute!
These hats are so so fun! I've never seen so many cute hats all in one place before. Must have!
Your bribe worked on me! I'm not quite sure how I find your blog, but I did. I love reading it, it's so thoughtful :)
These hats are wonderful quality, and are more than worth the money. I am so excited to have my own party and hopefully earn the hats I want for free!
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