People, there is a mouse in the house.

I had been blaming the nibbled fruit on the boy. In fact, I gave him an entire lecture about not taking just one bite out of the apples and pears. He was playing a video game at the time, and obviously he wasn't listening to me enough to even defend himself. Typical.
Rosa was here yesterday and she sleuthed out the mouse within minutes of her arrival. She's sharp like that. I stood there like the big oaf that I am (I always feel like a giant around Rosa, she's very little) and listened to her detective work. "You see dis right here? Dis isa poop. A poop a de mouse! You gotta de mouse en su casa! Es no goo. Es no goo Aprrrril." She set to work cleaning up the "poop a de mouse".
Now, I'm not too freaked out. We had a mouse in our house before and we caught him and set him free in a field. It was no big deal. But Sugar Daddy had to go and rate this situation an "R". For rat. That puts me over the edge.
The appearance of the mouse/rat is rather timely, or untimely, depending on how you look at it.
I've had a hankering lately. Whitman has been gone almost a year and I have started to feel a twinge when I see other cats. I have always wanted a big fluffy orange cat. I would get a girl and her name would be Matilda. Can't you just see her now, keeping my spot on the couch warm?

Sugar Daddy has said that we will not be getting another cat anytime soon in no uncertain terms. But I have my ways. I have been honing my womanly skills of persuasion for years now. He is powerless against me.
The truth of the matter is that I know exactly why I want a cat right now. It is another meager attempt to fill the baby void. I know this, but I can't seem to help myself. If someone doesn't get me something to mother quick, Matilda's movin' in. And I might even dress her baby clothes.
The little mouse bag was made by Syko. She has a delightful little Etsy shop you should check out. She is from Turku, Finland. She's not the allusive Miss Finland we are all waiting to hear from, but her work is charming!
You are funny!
So here's the thing...I've visited your blog before, not sure how I found you..was it Emily?
We have a mutual friend out there~
Anyway, good luck with the mouse issue....LOVING your Rosa accent.
I had rats. BIG rats. LOTS of rats. A total nightmare. We would hear them scratching in the walls at night.
We have a cat now. Ozzy. Not a rat since.
Get Matilda. She'll rid your house of rats, and fill your void.
And she will be easier than a baby. And yes.Dress her up. I don't see why not.
If hubby says no, maybe Rosa can dress like el gato.
I had rats. BIG rats. LOTS of rats. A total nightmare. We would hear them scratching in the walls at night.
We have a cat now. Ozzy. Not a rat since.
Get Matilda. She'll rid your house of rats, and fill your void.
And she will be easier than a baby. And yes.Dress her up. I don't see why not.
If hubby says no, maybe Rosa can dress like el gato.
sorry for the double post.
sorry for the double post.
I hope you get your cat ---you deserve that cat.
i will keep my fingers crossed that you get your matilda. i have a longing for a maine coon, but the hubs won't let me either. i mean, two dogs, two cats and two kids just isn't enough!
Hate mice. I hate them. I using the word "hate" with mice, here, so you can see where I'm going. Hate them.
But a rat--I would have to move.
LOVE your post! Not a lover of rats either. We once lived in a very old house by a field and we had mice problems. No fun.
you're so cute.
would you be willing to share where you got your white dress in your profile picture? i'm officially in love.
Cute blog... Was doing a little blog stocking tongith... I think I found you from Mormom Moms or somewhere... I think tonight you have won the keep following this blog award! Like it or not...Congratulations!
Great post! I laughed out loud while sipping my morning tea. And I completely understand the cat filling the void, but really though, a kitty doesn't take up much space, and they're self-sufficient, quiet and clean and this rat situation would be the first and last one. I say: Hello Mathilde.
Maybe it's a must remember that story. He ran right in while I had the backdoor open for some fresh air. He presented like a BIG rat, but turned out to be much cuter.
Join the club...we have a cute little mouse in our garage.I tell my girls it's Ratatoille,although that doesn't seem to help make them less scared of him...or is it a her?Anyways,you are too funny,when I read your blog posts,I can actually feel like I'm there & your "accent" was so good!Bravo! :)Well,hope you are warm over there...we're getting tons of snow & they didn't close any schools today & I had an exam at 9am, which took me almost 1 hour to get to...sheesh!Ok,enough ranting...have a great day!Oh yeah,love your double happiness blog,too. :)
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