Tuesday, March 31, 2009
five and a half
Tomorrow I will be thirty-five. Damn I'm getting old. Maybe I'll get some Botox and a pair of Spanx. Actually, I'm going to see Hans because he can always work some magic and make me feel divine.
My little sister, Amy, is five and half years younger than me. It makes a big difference. She isn't getting wrinkles yet. She can still count her grey hairs.
When Amy was first born, she was my living doll. She was a beautiful child, all curls and smiles. She flourished in the lime light of our little family. At five and a half, I thought she was my personal miracle. I loved her dearly.
And then my brother was born. What can I say? Eight-year-old girls can be fickle creatures.
It was many years before I rediscovered the magic that is my little sister. Lost years.
I have worried about the age difference between Thom and the new baby. Will they play together? Will they be close? I have come to the conclusion that it may take time, maybe years, but they will have their own unique relationship. I won't be able to choreograph it, it will happen on its own, organically. He already sees her as his own personal miracle. He keeps reaffirming to me that she will be "his baby".
He has called dibs on all night feedings which sounds fabulous, if only it worked that way.
As for Amy and I, well, five and a half years is only a measure of the time we didn't get to spend being sisters. I think we have more than made up for lost time.
Monday, March 30, 2009
The weekend was a blur. A Bike speeding, children running, cake eating, ink smudging, pool splashing blur.
Our print making class on Saturday was a ton of fun and extremely tiring. Who knew carving lino prints was so much work? Our instructor was Jesus Cruz. You can see his amazing work here.
And here is my first attempt at block printing. I wasn't totally happy with it, but I enjoyed the process and I am excited to have another go at it.
We celebrated Ben's grandma's ninety-second birthday. We told her about our baby girl. She has been asking for years when she is going to get a great-granddaughter. I can't tell you how happy we were to grant that wish.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon. - E. L. Doctorow

Thursday, March 26, 2009
more fun with dick and jane

I was so proud of myself I took myself out for sushi.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Today I discovered a nest in the center of my rose tree with a baby bird in it.
Today my son sat next to me and I played with his hair and read him a book.
Today I bought sparkling lemonade and fresh flowers at the market.
Today I ate my lunch in the sunshine and fed small pieces of my sandwich to a bird with one leg.
Today I planted petunias in my backyard.
Today my mother asked me about having a baby shower.
Today I kissed the boys and told them I love them.
I have big plans for tomorrow.
we met with social services. . .

We have three sets of fingerprints, which will bring my grand total to ten. I will have been fingerprinted ten times, so I guess that robbery I was planning is out of the question. See's Candy, you lucked out.
Here's the good news.
I'm getting a baby. Did I tell you that? At the bottom of this massive stack of paperwork is a baby girl. And I can't wait.

I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through all this with my melon brain, but I'm going to give it my all. I'm going underground for a few weeks. My nose is to the grindstone. My shoulder is to the wheel. I'm burning the midnight oil.
I found this anonymous quote and it made me feel so much better about my current mental state.
“Some people think only intellect counts: knowing how to solve problems, knowing how to get by, knowing how to identify an advantage and seize it. But the functions of intellect are insufficient without courage, love, friendship, compassion and empathy.”
Monday, March 23, 2009
fun with dick and jane

You know after you eat a bowl of watermelon how there is always a little chunky juice and seeds floating around?
That's what my brain is like these days.
I lost my keys three times last week. I swear I have pregnancy brain. Is that possible?
Jenny has had the patience of Job. Our conversations go something like this:
J: Trader Joes?
Me: Trader Joes, because I needed some berries for the. . .you know. . .
J: Salad? Dessert?
Me: Chocolate dessert thingy for what's their names birthday.
J: Caron and Michelle.
Me: Yeah, what time is that again?
Seriously. I'm having a really hard time with ye ol' noggin. I have a friend that bought herself a Nintendo DS so that she can play a game that is supposed to help exercise your brain. I was thinking that I might try something like that until I realized that the chances of me remembering to actually go buy the game are slim to none. I'm functioning on a Dick and Jane level over here people.

Me circa 1976
Friday, March 20, 2009
encounters of the weird kind
I froze, like a deer in headlights, with my spoon hovering above the bowl dripping milk. I wasn't exactly scared per se. The stranger looked exactly like my husband.
But I knew it wasn't my husband because of three things. Let me break it down for you.
1. This person had apparently been shopping.
2. This person had been shopping for expensive things.
3. This person used the words bottom and cute.
My husband does not shop for anything but camping gear. He is extremely suspicious of expensive brands. He does not use words like cute and bottom.
I have a theory. I think that aliens beamed up Sugar Daddy and Carson Kressley, performed some experiments on them, and inadvertently put them back in the wrong body.
This theory was solidified yesterday, when I received a package in the mail from Layla Grace.
Sugar Daddy told me to wait to open it until he got home. This is what was inside.

And I'm a little worried about my dear husband walking around in Carson's body. I mean it wasn't a very fair switch if you ask me. Ben really got the short stick. So to speak.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
heads up
In about eight weeks I am going to be so sleep deprived that I will require a caffeine drip. After Thom was born I was so sleepy that I actually ran into the side of the garage when I was pulling the car in. Caffeine=function.
But I did want to do something to make myself more healthy. So I started drinking Yogi Detox tea. It is an herbal tea that is supposed to rid your body of toxins. Each little tag has a saying or a fortune. Here's what mine said today:

The past few days have been full of nothing but happiness. Every time I tell someone about our baby girl the happiness bubbles inside me anew.
I always knew that people learn and grow in times of strife. What I am starting to realise is that happiness teaches you how to look at the world in such a way that you see cheery things everywhere you go. Happiness breeds happiness. I guess this is something I have always known, but right here, right now, it is real and tangible.

Today, as you go about your daily business, don't listen to anything that is down or depressing. Look up. You will see something amazing. I promise.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
thailand- take two

I got together with the Thailand girls last Saturday. We were minus four. Amy was in Chicago for St. Patrick's. Sabrina is racing on the World tour and the two Aussie chicks, Jo and Clare, for some reason couldn't drop everything and catch a flight to the States for the weekend. We missed them, but we had a blast.
I'm the one in the smashing red macintosh that I got on sale at the Gap for a mere $25. My word, I do love a bargain!

I was about half in love with her by the time we sat down. That's the thing about girls. Every time they do something pretty. . .you fall half in love with them, and then you never know where the hell you are. - J.D. Salinger

I love being a girl. Don't you? -April

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
a nod from the universe

The final little quirk in this story is that I am currently working on this very bracelet for another customer.
Monday, March 16, 2009
dispatches from cloud nine

My eyes fluttered open to the pink light of the rising sun. And then the happiness washed over me like a warm bubble bath. I'm going to have a baby. A baby girl.

I have a burning desire to share my happiness with everyone I know. I thought of taking lemon scones to all the neighbors but it seemed like too much work that might cut into my crafting time. I also thought about climbing to the top of our slope in the backyard and twirling around and singing "The Sound of Music", but I'm sure my neighbors already think I'm a little strange. And they wouldn't have dared eat any of my scones after a stunt like that.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
the gutless wonder writes again

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
my name is spring

I've always hated my name. It sounds like a calendar girl name.
"And here's Miss April wearing only cherry bloosom pasties and a fig leaf!" Ug.
My parents were planning on naming me Heather until my Grandpa showed up at the hospital and decreed that being born on the first day of April, my name should be such. My grandpa was a sailor. Maybe he had fond memories of a certain Miss April who had covered the wall over his cot.
Whatever the case, I have never liked my name. But I do like what it means.
The girl's name April \a-pril, ap-ril\ is pronounced AY-prill. It is
of Latin origin, and its meaning is "to open". The month as a given name; often used to symbolize spring, the time when buds open and flowers appear. Abril (ah-BREEL) is the Spanish form.

In other news, I found my Easter dress. It is a Baraschi sheath embroidered with, of all things, birds. It's sooooo me. I just need to find a little green shrug and a pair of fabulous pink heels to go with it. And it's high time I made myself a pair of earrings. I'm thinking light blue topaz dangles.

Hello Spring. I'm glad you came. Stick around for a while.