Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am entirely convinced that the Earth's revolution has slowed way down these last few weeks. Do you notice it too?
Time is ticking by so slowing that the vegetables in my garden haven't grown at all since I planted them. Each day is equivalent to two.
I am waiting. Waiting for someone to come out of somewhere.
Having completed all the preparations for the baby, I'm turning to myself. I had a facial. I scheduled a massage and a day with Hans. I've been sleeping in and running all the errands that will be difficult to do once the baby arrives.
Least you think I'm living a rock and roll life style over here, you must know that I am spending this morning chipping away at the Mt. Everest of laundry sitting in my hallway and scooping the dog poop off the lawn. As much as I try to live the high life, my feet are firmly grounded in the everyday muck of motherhood.
And I like it that way.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
nobody likes the purple chiclets

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
this ain't your grandma's embroidery
And yet. . .
I can't be done. I must be doing. . . something.
So there is this little embroidery project I started. A custom lampshade for the nursery.

If you can't fly with this, you best stay home.
P.S. I'm up four runs and down three pounds!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
the good news is. . .

I love National Public Radio.
And that's about the most political statement you'll ever hear me make publicly.
I don't talk politics with most people. Political opinions are just like all opinions and you know what they say about those.
I love NPR for several reasons. First, I love that there aren't annoying commercials for plastic surgery or pest control. Second, I think they give reliable world and domestic news even if it does have a liberal slant. And third, I love that they specialize in human interest stories.
Quite frankly, I've had enough news lately regarding the state of the economy and international relations. I'm sick to death of hearing about Iraq. I'm sorry if that offends you. I think it is a little like living next to Niagara Falls. After a while, even the most sensitive person doesn't hear the roar anymore.
I love that NPR features stories like the one I heard a few days ago about a lake with 45 letters in it's name, in Massachusetts called
Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. The entire story was about how a couple signs in the town had misspellings in the name. It may sound boring, but it was in fact, very interesting. FYI- the name is Native American and it means, "You fish on your side, I'll fish on my side, and nobody fishes in the middle."
Today on All Things Considered, they did a story on Sam Maloof, who is a 93-year-old icon in the furniture design business. Sam is a delightful man and listening to the interview brightened my day considerably.
My good friend Andre the Greek was so sick of hearing depressing news that he started his own website called the Glee Report that only features good news.
However your political views may fall, tune into NPR while you are taxing the kiddos around or working or, I don't know, buffing the calluses off your heals. I guarantee you will learn something you will not soon forget.
Did that just sound like a commerial? I hope not.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
these boobs were made for cuddling. . .

Monday, April 20, 2009

I love organization. I wish I was better at it.
On Sunday evening Thom and I headed over to Jenny's house for a casual bar-be-que. I found that I was feeling a little peevish after a weekend of single parenting and so I took out my angst on the Hurst family. I went from one child to the next, needling them and teasing until I got some kind of response. Andre and Jenny know me well enough to just let these moods take their course and they happily offered up their children and each other as victims.
Sugar Daddy returned home later that night, swooping in like good heros do, to save the day and play with Thom until he was tuckered out and reaching for his bed.
One weekend down, four more to go until B-day!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
my green girl

Friday, April 17, 2009
you just can't take me anywhere

My sophisticated neighbor Denise took me to lunch at the Four Seasons for my birthday. I arrived before her and I was awestruck with the gardens. I couldn't help myself. I crawled around in the flower beds snapping photos with my iPhone. The gardeners looked on, dumbstruck that a guest would do such a thing. It didn't deter me. I've been called a señora blanca loca before.

We sat on the terrace overlooking the golf course and the bay. I sipped my diet coke in the shade of the yellow and white striped umbrella and hummed a little to myself. Denise was pleased that she could please me.
"Aren't we so lucky?" I asked with eyes closed to the sunshine.
"You mean to be eating lunch here?" Denise responded.
"To live here. To live in this amazing place? I mean look around you. This is paradise."
Denise looked around as if to consider the idea. Obviously she has spent more time in paradise than I have. She is accustomed to the good life.
On the other hand, paradise isn't just sprawling gardens and fancy silverware. It's having a soft place to fall. It's friends that laugh at your jokes. It's pink baby cheeks and family cuddles on a Sunday morning.
I don't think I'll ever get over that fact that I live at the beach. Every time I turn onto the coast highway I loose my breath. I think I will forever be crawling through gardens and yelling for people to come see the starfish in the tide pools. Hopefully, my paradise will always include people, like Denise and my friends and family, who humor me in my childish behavior.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
spilling the beans

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
just a spoonful of sugar. . .
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Last weekend will go down as one of the best in our life.
The when, where and what to wear of our meeting ended up to be very inconsequential. As is turns out, we have known this girl for ages. She is family.
She is a pint sized American sweetheart. She's a pink beach cruiser on the boardwalk, a vintage JuicyFruit commercial, the girl next door that all the boys plan to marry some day.
Did you know that peace is the only emotion that Satan can't duplicate? He's got love and happiness down pat. He can fool you into believing just about anything, but peace, well, he can't touch it.
As I sat across the table from our birth mom, I was wrapped in peace. I know she was chosen to carry our child. I know that we are bound together by forces we may not understand until we die. I know that I will love her, and her family until I take my last breath and beyond.
These are tough times for so many people right now. I feel a little guilty for our happiness. I feel like a child with a huge lollipop while the other children look on. I want to share my sweetness with everyone. I want everyone to take a big lick and know that God is good. Miracles happen. Hang onto your faith and work towards peace in your life.
Here's a few pics from Mayberry (a.k.a. North Ogden):

Friday, April 10, 2009
blessed are the curious

Tracy Raver is a photographer in Omaha Nebraska. I never thought I'd wish I still lived there, but Tracy makes it tempting. I'd love to have her photograph our little sweetpea. Her sister (see pic in previous post) also does infant photography.
If you are wondering what to get the baby who already has everything (sorry girls, I just can't help myself) there is always a little knitted munkin hat or swaddler used in these pictures available through Mad About Color.
I feel like I am stepping into our future this weekend. It is supposed to be raining and overcast in Utah, but everything looks bright to me.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
the giving camellia

I want to be like that. I want to ask for very little and make those around me happy just by being me. I think I have a long way to go.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
spring break
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
the course ahead
First and foremost, we will get to meet our birth mother face to face. I am so excited and nervous I don't know what to do with myself. I am searching for the perfect outfit that says "I will make a great mom for your baby". Tell me, what does that look like exactly? If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them. Please note that Lee jeans and Rockport shoes are out of the question. As are scrunchies, most sweater vests and any item with a Disney character on it.

Second, my father will be turning sixty-three. I swear he is more active now than he was at nineteen, when this photo is taken. His hairline hasn't changed a bit, but he only has a few black hairs left. His left ear still sticks out a little and we girls of the family think it is charming. Happy Birthday Daddy-O.

And then of course, there is Easter. Hopefully this year Thom will lighten up his game a bit and let some of the younger kids find an egg or two. Last year was a little embarrassing. I'd like to find a good recipe for hot cross buns to make for Sunday dinner and a really great tie for Sugar Daddy.

Monday, April 06, 2009
new shoes

"Are these shoes on sale?" she asked.
"The leather ones?" she added.
The sales clerk was from the Bronx. She said nothing but maneuvered her large bottom around the desk to look over her glasses at the shoes. She snapped her gum twice and replied, "Yeah, those ones are half off too. Yous should get two pair fa that price."
And so she did.
Friday, April 03, 2009
twigs and buds
I feel anxious when I look at the buds on everything. They are shiny chartreuse babies. So vulnerable to weather and pests. So full of promise.
I realized today that maybe it isn't the buds I'm anxious about after all. We still have six weeks until our little girl arrives. Waiting isn't easy.
We bought a package of ladybugs to keep away the aphids. Thom loves to buy ladybugs and always begs to keep a few dozen in his bug catcher. Its a small price to pay for a couple days of pure boyhood fun.
I have decided that the boy will be my ladybug. We have six weeks left of pure one on one time. I'm keeping him in my bug jar. I just hope he fairs a little better than the less fortunate ones, loved to death by a boy, in the confines of a plastic bottle with a magnifying lid.