The Sugar Daddy is a big guy. He's tall. He just skims six foot six inches. Oh I do love me a tall man.
He runs to keep his weight in check. He's got a fierce, snarly sugar tooth that forces him to keep active. I love to bake for him because he enjoys sweets so much. The kids and I call him "The Gobbler".
He's the kind of guy you can really snuggle into and feel like a kid again. It's safe in his embrace. He's a big ol' bear of a guy.
And he works hard. Everyday. He's up and out and moving and shaking and pimping and working it. He's motivated. Is ambitious too strong a word? I think not.
Here's the thing about living with a motivated person: it motivates you.
I mean, how is one to sit around eating cheese on the sofa while someone else runs around working like mad? And oh I do love me a good sharp piece of cheddar.
Yes, the Sugar Daddy really puts a cramp in my lazy mooching style.
The truth of the matter is that all that I have ever accomplished in this life that I am truly proud of, has happened because I am striving to keep pace with my husband.
We don't actually run together. Running next to the Sugar Daddy feels like running next to Paul Bunyan.
That, and he spits a lot.
But we are in this proverbial marathon of life together and I'm really thankful I have a good pacer.
Did you know bears can run as fast as horse or deer? Tis true.
So sweet, love your posts!
I love big men. Something very safe about it.
Also, did you know your secondsister button takes you to a blog called "manic mother"?
You are both inspiring then -- your yin to his yang!
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