"Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high
time to get to sea as soon as I can.” -Herman Melville
I usually feel a little let down after a wonderful vacation. A little empty handed and dazed if you will. But this time, well this time, I feel that I really wasn't able to suck up all the Thailand had to offer. I left in a rush, literally, because I was going to miss my connecting flight. I didn't have time to see the things I wanted or to sit with each of my travel companions and tell them just how they had touched my life. I feel a little cut short.
And so, to soften the blow, we headed off to the beach today. I worked a little on my art journal of the trip. We ate our picnic and I laid back on the sand and closed my eyes. I was back on Krabi beach once more. The waves sound the same.
Beautiful post April. I know exactly what you mean. Have been moving around in a daze, and feel like I should have paid more attention. How do you capture and retain the smells? the giggles? the colours? and the sounds? These I will miss.
I can't wait to see more of your pictures and hear more of your adventures in Thailand. It has given me the bug to travel to a far away place. I think everyone needs to experience foreign lands AT LEAST once in their lifetime!
i wasn't even there and i so know how you feel, what you mean. try to revel in each photo. the photos will bring back the smells, the sounds, the wonderful women you were with. when do i get to see your art journal? ever?? what if i bat my pretty eye lashes at you. will that work?
ps: can you give me clare's email address? i used to have it but can't find it. i need to thank her for the beautiful card she sent me. and i just want to talk to her. maybe you can email her and ask her to email me (if you're not comfortable just giving me her email addy)....?
lovely. :)
It was too cold for journaling at the beach at my end of the state, but I do hope some time soon we'll find ourselves together at a beach or in front of a fire together with our journals!
Just leaving you a comment cause it makes you so happy :o)
visiting from emily's...to hear about you trip :o)
ahhh- isn't that always the way. they just end so quickly...
april, i know exactly what you mean. it was over and did i appreciate it enough while i was there? i hate that you had to leave in a rush, but we are close enough that you can still sit me down and tell me what i mean to you. hardy har har. ;)
that is a great Melville quote....love it!
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