Friday, July 24, 2009

lab partners

Ryan Meis and Sarah Labieniec live in San Francisco. They don't know this, but I love them, er, I mean, I love their brains, or rather, their talent. Oh for Pete's sake, I love their work.

Looking at their art makes me want to be a Parisian. Well, not really. Just skinny with a French accent.

Their company is called Lab Partners. Cute, don't you think?

They did a series of paintings I particularly like. It's called Hunt & Gather. Here's what they have to say about it.

"Hunt & Gather is a series of works drawn from a mishmash of experiences at flea markets. To us, the flea is a festive event, one filled with both delightful curiosities and people. There is something tantalizing about arriving at a market with the hope that you might uncover some hidden gem amongst the endless rows of objects from the past. It is this fascination of a time far gone and the thrill of the hunt that draws us (and undoubtedly others) to continually return. "

You can find these two lovely people here and here. Happy shopping. Happy Friday.
I'm baking cupcakes for little Sam's birthday and going to Target with a gift card. Now that's a pretty good day in my book.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Shop closed until August? Alright, April, that was just mean.